Voluntary Fire Brigade Košeca
It is the oldest organization in the village. In various forms, surpassing all States established by Austro-Hungarian Empire until today. Protection from the elements for humanity was in fact always necessary. Fire organizations has also synonymous with dedication, enthusiasm, respect for community and courage.
Was founded on June 12 1888. The first commander was John Polacek until 1909.
Equipment Košeca former fire brigade was not the best. They had a two-wheel syringes which six men tugging water from the well or from the creek into vat and from there it wore in buckets setup men in the chain of fire. Košeca's firefighters have not uniforms. That was in 1889 one of the reasons why the time fire brigade fell apart. In the same year they built a wooden hut "strekáreň" a fire department got their first uniforms.
In 1891 the municipality bought "ohňohasičský skrekač" a car for tools. This canvas buckets and hoses. In 1911 they bought although improved, but still hand-operated pumper.
In 1927 the organization had 30 members. The new commander of the Regulations introduced in evidence, to increase the discipline, improved the quality of the exercise. At the end of twenty years last century Voluntary Fire Brigade in Košeca (DHZ) significantly rejuvena about 18-25 annual membership.
When we in 1968 Kosecki firefighters commemorated the 80th anniversary of establishment, they adopted a new name, and a voluntary fire brigade (DPZ). In 1973 - after two years of effort has been put into use passed a new fire station.
In 1980, the organization has 83 members, including 13 women. In 1991, again adopted the original name of the organization's volunteer fire department.
The 2015 is the organization of 42 members. Chairman of brigade is Paul Bugala and commander Juraj Balaz. Active Endeavour is working on a more stable base firemen in the village. Since 2014, we opened in cooperation with the school in Košeca our first school ring "Plameň" for young firefighters. In recent years, also included a number of techniques and weapons for DHZ. And we strive to complete the extension armory.